Smoking Report Regarding Tobacco Taxes

Regardless, however, of the holy words, smoking is apparently not good for everyone, and experience has shown that one should proceed with this enjoyable pastime with CAUTION. Some human constitutions have proven not to handle nicotine well. The reasons may be explained by the type of genes one inherits and in one having positive and productive mental attitudes, which seem to enhance their bodies' defenses against the negative effects of smoke. A case in point might be the famous CBS news reporter Edward R. Murrow.

A Smoking Report

Indicating a Remarkable Tolerance for Smoking Tobacco

The smoking news in this old report on smoking tobacco is obscure and humorous but positive indeed. After reporting that "in men small doses of tobacco smoke excite the intellectual faculties," under the heading "Tolerance of Tobacco," in the Year-Book of Nature and Popular Science for 1872, John C. Draper, M.D., also pointed out that "A remarkable instance of tolerance by the human system of the excessive use of tobacco is afforded in the case of Mr. Klaes, of Rotterdam. This gentleman, who was known as the 'king of smokers,' has just died in his eightieth year, and is said to have consumed during his long life more than four tons of tobacco.

The ruling passion was apparent in the will of the deceased, and in his eccentric request that his oak coffin might be lined with the cedar of his old cigar-boxes, and that a box of French caporal and a packet of old Dutch tobacco might be placed at its foot, and by the side of his body his favorite pipe, together with matches, flint and steel, and tinder."

We wonder if his thoughtful request was the result of so much tobacco smoke stimulating his brain?

Nevertheless, he is not to be blamed.

We know this because in its description of the Lord, the Bible tells us in 2 Samuel 22:9 that "there went up a smoke out of his nostrils."

This is written above the beginning of the red line in the text of the Amended King James Version of the Bible above.

If God (Yahweh) smoked, then smoking is a holy thing.

In fact, unlike the Introduction states in the first line of the Amended King James Version pictured above, according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, the original King James Version of the Bible says; “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heaven and earth.” The word used in Hebrew for “Elohim” actually means “gods”—and not “Yahweh,” nor is it spelled in Hebrew like Yahweh. Elohim is the plural form of El, a plural of the name of the god (El) seated in the ancient artifact pictured below.

In other words, the Hebrew of the Bible really says in the first line of Genesis: “In the beginning the gods created the heaven and earth.”

Nevertheless, Yahweh must have known the therapeutic effects of smoking and nicotine. And beside Dr. Draper's smoking report, the benefits of smoking tobacco have been pointed out by other authorities for several centuries now.

"From sharpening mental acuity to maintaining optimal weight, the relatively small risks of smoking have always been outweighed by the substantial improvement to mental and physical health," maintains Forces International.

"Now the same anti-tobacco enterprise that has spent billions demonizing the pleasure of smoking is providing additional reasons to smoke. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Tourette's Syndrome, even schizophrenia and cocaine addiction are disorders that are alleviated by tobacco. Add in the still inconclusive indication that tobacco helps to prevent colon and prostate cancer and the endorsement for smoking tobacco by the medical establishment is good news for smokers and non-smokers alike. Of course the revelation that tobacco is good for you is ruined by the pharmaceutical industry's plan to substitute the natural and relatively inexpensive tobacco plant with their overpriced and ineffective nicotine substitutions. Still, when all is said and done, the positive revelations regarding tobacco are very good reasons indeed to keep lighting those cigarettes."

After you finish looking at all of this page's pictures and animations and clicking the links in the *NOTES below, please be sure to come back here and click for more detailed information on the benefits of smoking and for many more smoking reports.

Here are three posted warnings from the Web site publishing The Property Rights Newsletter, which keeps smokers comprehensively updated on the Neo-Nazi attacks against one of their favorite pastimes:

The Mid Ohio Health Department is an outstanding example of a pseudo-official government attacking poor West Virginia smokers. I am sure its obese Neo-Nazi organizers who have given up smoking for pigging out on fat food would not be pleased with these posters.

Beware smokers!  The pleasure police are still on the prowl!


The United States Supreme Court has upheld the Constitution's establishment of the separation of Church and State.  Since the Jewish and Christian God of the Bible smoked, then this is a religious issue that is an important element to be reverently observed as an important ceremony in Judeo-Christian religious worship.  No government serving under the U. S. Constitution has a right to tax or regulate smoking in any way since it is a Church issue immune from State jurisdiction.

If the American Civil Liberties Union would challenge in court the illegal taxes and discriminating laws heaped on smokers, all would probably be quickly defeated, and smokers could once more publicly practice their religion. Smokers should get off their silly guilt trip, bring some sharp smoking and religious lawyers on board to challenge the injustice imposed on smokers by Federal, State, and local governments, and immediately begin to light up again!

Allow God to show us the way, and put the overeating hypocrites, the hospitalized obese ex-smokers, on the defensive instead—especially since a 2004 study of American adults reported that from the early 1970s to the mid 1990s the smoking rate declined from 37 to 23 percent and the obesity rate increased from 15 to 31 percent.  A lack of physical exercise due to sitting for many hours in front of personal computers did not become all the rage until well after the study.

Furthermore, the Nicotine Nazi's fantasy about a second-hand cigarette smoke hazard is nothing but smoke. My father smoked two to three packs of Camels a day for well over forty years in front of my mother. She is eighty-eight and still going strong.

And the house and car full of cigarette smoke for over 40 years have caused her children absolutely no problems! How do the health departments explain this?

“In the early 1980s," wrote David W. Kuneman, "the vice president of epidemiology and statistics with the American Cancer Society published two huge studies finding no health risk from secondhand smoke.

In 1995, the Library of Congress reviewed all studies published to date and concluded the risks were small to nonexistent. In 2002, the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration declared that secondhand smoke was such a minor risk that it was not worth regulating.”

The September 17, 2010 issue (584) of the Property Rights Newsletter reported: "New St. Louis AQ study published by Washington University proves once again shs is not a workplace health hazard. The test results prove secondhand smoke levels in St. Louis MO. establishments tested are 110 to 877 times SAFER than OSHA workplace air quality requirements. Thank you Washington University for proving our point once again... secondhand smoke is not a workplace health hazard, and doesn't require government legislation. Especially in light of the fact that smoking bans eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs." And you thought "Global Warming" was the only big lie.

"If you think that all the 'scientific' stuff you hear about secondhand smoke is true, think again! Read "The Lies Behind The Smoking Bans" at: and you'll see how you've been lied to!"

Paying the tax, however, may be a little difficult for poor smokers to boast about. According to the Center for Disease Control, 20.8% of all American adults smoke, but 30.6% of adults below the poverty line are smokers. This means that this massive tax increase disproportionately impacts the individuals who are least able to afford it. Lower-income individuals also have the greatest difficulty in reducing their use of tobacco because they cannot easily afford products like nicotine patches that might help them overcome their addictions—so they are caught between a rock (cigarette addiction) and a hard place (anti-smoking drug prices).

Furthermore, the National Taxpayers Union noted that tobacco taxes take a 50-times-larger share of income from those earning less than $20,000 than those earning more than $200,000. Put another way: Families making less than $30,000 per year pay more than half of all taxes paid on cheap cigarettes for sale, while families making more than $60,000 pay only 14 percent. The federal and state governments worldwide have seen fit to rape poor tobacco users without so much as a welcoming kiss for years now, and smokers internationally have begun protesting.

Yet cold-hearted medical groups inspire tax increases right in the middle of a worldwide recession and see them as a great incentive to help persuade smokers to quit. Their big argument is that the cost to the governments to pay for increased health care for smokers gives them the right to tax them heavily. If valid, then the governments should surely start taxing their grossly overweight people, soldiers, and everyone else who participates in an action that leads to increased health care costs.

The widespread obesity epidemic in the United States is now their target.  The campaign has already begun by attempts to ban trans fats in some states and by commercials about diabetes and unhealthy fats.  Fat people will soon become taxed as heavily, if not more, than smokers because the health care costs for obese people are already becoming the greatest burden on society.  Our governments are already figuring out what the appropriate weight per person should be and planning to tax a person per pound rate for anything above that.  Can you imagine the tax these impulsive creatures will have to pay for their habit?

A press release issued by the Governor’s office in New York on December 16, 2008 confirms that New York will be among the first jurisdictions in the world to impose an obesity tax in the form of a tax on non-diet soft drinks—even though the ingredients in diet drinks are cancer suspects. The new budget measure will add an 18 percent sales tax on non-diet soft drinks to “combat obesity and related diseases.” The city of New York has already banned smoking and eliminated trans fats on restaurant menus. It is also going after salt. Where does it stop? The Neo-Nazis are winning their war against smokers and now starting to combat fat people.

This is just the prelude to the upcoming war against those who like to eat so much. Now is the time for fat people to band with smokers reading this rare smoking report to stop the reckless rampage of unhappy pleasure police!

Science is conclusive: Tobacco increases work capacity. Nicotine improves human brain performance. Is the bad reputation of smoking undeserved? The brain works better when it gets nicotine—almost like an optimized computer. Nicotine is a “work-drug” that enables its consumers to focus better and think faster. The brain also becomes more enduring, especially in smokers: Nicotine experiments show that smokers in prolonged working situations are able to maintain concentration for many hours longer than non-smokers. Nicotine boosts attention, precision, motor skills, speed and memory.

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